Update on Ohio Senate Bill 27

This morning the Ohio House Insurance Committee heard sponsor testimony for Senate Bill 27 – The Firefighter Cancer Presumption Bill.  Senator Patton spoke of why firefighters are diagnosed with cancer at an increased risk compared to the general public.  The Senator also spoke regarding how this bill would benefit our Ohio Firefighters who are diagnosed with specific cancers that have …

IAFF Online Cancer Training

I was very excited to see that after nearly four years of hard work the IAFF released their Online Firefighter Cancer Training.  This training was initiated by a resolution at the 2012 IAFF Convention by the Denver Firefighters Local 858.  Local 858 was gracious enough to include the Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) as a partner with the IAFF in …

Wearing your SCBA’s as the Driver/Operator

Last evening we had a first in garage fire with another garage as an exposure.  I was driving the truck and took the front of the house.  Upon arrival one garage was almost completely gone and the exposure garage was now well involved.  I prepared the truck for a defensive attack. As I was setting up the aerial ladder the …

Governor of Georgia vetoes Firefighter Cancer Presumption Bill

I saw the unfortunate news this evening that Georgia’s Governor decided to veto House Bill 216 which would have let Georgia Firefighters with cancer get workers compensation benefits if they could provide “a preponderance” of evidence that their work caused the disease.   The governor stated “I am concerned that codifying an exception for one occupation at this relatively low …

Firefighter Cancer Items from FDIC 2016

Once again I made the annual trip west on Thursday to the largest Firefighter Convention in the world…FDIC.  I spent multiple year’s here doing the grind of working the booth.  At this point I’m happy to say that my times working any booth are very rare.  My agenda is actually very simple this year.  The plan was to go to …

Firefighter Cancer Pledge

I recently saw a news story coming out of Goodyear Arizona pertaining to a Firefighter Cancer Prevention Pledge.  This department and union has realized through some unfortunate recent cancer diagnoses that occupational cancer is a serious threat to their careers and lives.  This Goodyear Fire Department is trying to be pro-active and change the ways they do business.  This is …

Firefighter Cancer at FDIC

I saw this news clip this morning regarding Firefighter Cancer, Indianapolis Fire, and FDIC: FDIC Firefighter Cancer News Clip I can recall being in the only firefighter cancer booth at FDIC nearly ten years ago.  We were hidden upstairs, out of sight and out of mind with some other small non-profit groups.  The fact that Firefighter Cancer is the major …


Within this last decade the fire service has finally started to accept that occupational cancer is the largest threat we face.  Firefighters from across the nation are practicing the necessary steps needed to reduce their risk of receiving a cancer diagnosis.  One of the keys to reducing that risk, is limiting our exposure to carcinogens.  Studies have shown that our …

Upcoming Ohio FF Presumption Hearing

On Tuesday April 5th the Ohio Senate Insurance Committee will hold a hearing and possible vote for the Firefighter Cancer Presumption Bill (Senate Bill 27). The hearing will be at 1030 in the morning at the State Capitol Building. This Bill would allow Cancer of the lung, brain, kidney, bladder, rectum, stomach, skin, or prostate;Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma;Leukemia; Multiple Myeloma; Testicular or …

National Firefighter Cancer Presumption Update

March has been an extremely successful month regarding Firefighter Cancer Presumption Bills across the country.  Idaho and Georgia placed their presumption bills on their Governor’s desk.  Kentucky also placed a Firefighter Cancer death benefit bill on their Governors desk.  These three bills combined had an overwhelming 427 votes in favor versus 23 opposed (98%).  All three Governors are expecting to …