We all know that Firefighters are exposed to harmful chemicals and carcinogens while actively fighting a fire. However, there are many things that we can do after the fire is out to reduce our exposure to these chemicals and carcinogens. I wrote this article to describe the different steps that we can take post fire to reduce our exposure and …
Second Set of Fire Gear
Jim Burneka of Firefighter Cancer Consultants discuss why having a second set of fire gear is not a luxury….it’s a necessity! Links to the studies are located in the blog. https://firefightercancerconsultants.com Fast Test Powerpoint: http://www.firesmoke.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/RTI+Test+Report+-+Fluorescent+Aerosol+Screening+Test+-+2015.pdf UC Study by Dr. Stuart Baxter: http://www.ul.com/global/documents/offerings/industries/buildingmaterials/fireservice/WEBDOCUMENTS/EMW-2007-FP-02093.pdf UC Powerpoint by Dr. Stuart Baxter: https://iab.gov/Uploads/Firefighter_Cancer_in_the_New_Fire_Environment.pdf