Every department is unique, and we are in a unique situation. Firefighter Cancer Consultants offers two different packages, one virtual, and one in-person: both have the goal of helping to decrease your member’s risk of being diagnosed with Firefighter occupational cancer.
Which Plan is right for my department?

Virtual Option
- Cancer related Department Policy Review.
- Interviews: Firefighter, Company Officer, Incident Commander regarding current practices on the fire scene and back at the firehouse.
- Virtual Station Inspections
- Live virtual Cancer Awareness, Support, & Prevention training for all members created specifically for your Department.
- Digital Action Plan report comparing your Departments current practices to the best practices for reducing cancer diagnoses for your members. Report is based off of current NFPA Standards and related scientific evidence.
- Virtual meeting to discuss the Action Plan Report.
- Digital binder that includes Sample Policy and Best Practices.
- Digital Studies and Reports.

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Onsite Option
- Cancer related Department Policy Review.
- Interviews: Firefighter, Company Officer, Incident Commander regarding current practices on the fire scene and back at the firehouse.
- Onsite Fire Station Inspections.
- Onsite Cancer Awareness, Support, & Prevention training for all members created specifically for your Department.
- Printed & Digital Action Plan report comparing your Departments current practices to the best practices for reducing cancer diagnoses for your members. Report is based off of current NFPA Standards and related scientific evidence.
- Onsite meeting to discuss the Action Plan Report.
- Digital and Printed Binder that includes Sample Policy and Best Practices.
- Digital Studies and Reports.

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Due to being active Firefighters please allow us up to 48 hours to render a quote.
Speaking Engagements
We are available to help spread the word at your conference or special event.
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Due to being active Firefighters please allow us up to 48 hours to render a quote.

Invest In Your Department's Future